So why do we fly those historic flags at Colonial Folk Art and Juxtaposition?
Well, I guess it has some to do with the guy on the left. His name was William Richardson Davie and the owners are direct descendants. In short, Davie was a Patriot and a partisan leader in North Carolina and South Carolina during the Revolution.
His bravery and military cunning, along with that of many others like him, is the reason we are the United States today.
I won't give a full history of Davie - there are many books written about him - but he was a founding father, the Father of the University of North Carolina, and an ambassador to France under Napoleon during the XYZ Affair.
I will eventually do a discussion series on the Revolution and some of the lesser-known founding fathers, but going back to the flags ...
Without freedom, the arts wouldn't be possible. As a veteran, I want to honor Davie, and the other men and women who fought for the freedom of this nation. Their sacrifices have allowed for the creative forces and freedom of expression we love to enjoy in the arts.
What a great, creative nation!!!
Flags Flown at Colonial Folk Art & Juxtaposition

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